• Lessons in Love

Lessons in Love

Poster image Lessons in Love

Famous cult Director Bill Zebub's limited edition film


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80 mins.


 The story is about a woman who is abducted and forced to watch footage of captives getting molested.  She doesn't know whether the sexual torture is amateur porn, or if these are sex crimes caught on tape.  As she is exposed to more of the disturbing images, her captor starts changing his behavior.  She senses that time is running out for her but escape seems impossible.

  • Lessons in Love

    Lessons in Love

    Language: English


80 mins.


 The story is about a woman who is abducted and forced to watch footage of captives getting molested.  She doesn't know whether the sexual torture is amateur porn, or if these are sex crimes caught on tape.  As she is exposed to more of the disturbing images, her captor starts changing his behavior.  She senses that time is running out for her but escape seems impossible.

  • Lessons in Love

    Lessons in Love

    Language: English

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