• Reversed [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]


Reversed tells the twisted tale of Asia, a globe-trotting socialite who winds up involved in murder, sex, and mayhem.


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64 mins.

Reversed tells the twisted tale of Asia, a globe-trotting socialite who winds up involved in murder, sex, and mayhem. Is someone really after her, or is she completely delusional and paranoid? Exploring the bloody back-story through her three lovers, Asia’s tale of eroticism and violence is a twisting journey through a disturbed and passionate mind that will leave the viewer thinking back on it long after the film has finished.

  • Reversed


    Language: English
  • Year 2018
  • Starring Victoria Hopkins, Jade Parker, Zoe Wellman, Dan Richardson, Cengiz Dervis


64 mins.

Reversed tells the twisted tale of Asia, a globe-trotting socialite who winds up involved in murder, sex, and mayhem. Is someone really after her, or is she completely delusional and paranoid? Exploring the bloody back-story through her three lovers, Asia’s tale of eroticism and violence is a twisting journey through a disturbed and passionate mind that will leave the viewer thinking back on it long after the film has finished.

  • Reversed


    Language: English
  • Year 2018
  • Starring Victoria Hopkins, Jade Parker, Zoe Wellman, Dan Richardson, Cengiz Dervis

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